How Crypto is Re‑Writing the Rules of Digital Ownership

Shortly after the financial crisis of 2008, a group of tech-minded trailblazers sought a solution to the shortcomings of conventional finance. They envisaged a world underpinned not by centralized power, but by a distributed, democratic system of ownership that was inclusive, transparent and secure. This world, the crypto world, grew steadily in the years that followed. Then the Covid-19 pandemic hit. Global lockdowns have hastened the advance of all things digital and, in this uncertain age of

Higher Wages Can Mean Higher Profits, If Staff Have the Right Tools

Some call it the “Great Resignation”; others the “Big Quit.” Since early 2021, around 33 million Americans have parted ways with an employer — the highest ‘quits rate’ on record. And the Big Quit won’t be ending any time soon. Recent job market research suggests a staggering 74% of full time US employees intend to leave their jobs this year in search of new opportunities, more compensation, or better working conditions.
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